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& Thanh N. Ngo
, 2010 , Journal of Financial and Economic Practice , 10 (2) , 45--59
Type: article
, 2014 , Critical Studies in Men's Fashion , 1 (2) , 95--97
Type: letterEditorial
Xia Hong,
Abdulrohman Qatawneh,
Khaled Daqrouq,
Muntasir Sheikh,
& Ali Morfeq
, 2014 , Applied Soft Computing , 23 , 9--18
Type: article
Zhenhua Luo,
, 2015
Type: conference
Encarni Montoya,
Valenti Rull,
Nathan D. Stansell,
Broxton W. Bird,
Sandra Nogué,
Teresa Vegas-Vilarrúbia,
Mark B. Abbott,
& Wilmer A. Díaz
, 2011 , Journal of Quaternary Science , 26 (2) , 207--218
Type: article
Valentí Rull,
Encarni Montoya,
Sandra Nogué,
Teresa Vegas-Vilarrúbia,
& Elisabet Safont
, 2013 , Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics , 15 (6) , 338--359
Type: review
Sian Robinson
, 2017 , Nutrition Bulletin , 42 (3) , 219--225
Type: article
Susie Weller
, 2006 , Children's Geographies , 4 (1) , 97--108
Type: article
& R.C.H. Cheng
, 2003 , Canadian Journal of Statistics , 31 (1) , 3--22
Type: article
Alan E. Gelfand,
, 1999 , Journal of the American Statistical Association , 94 (445) , 247--253
Type: article