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Christopher Adetunji,
, 2017 , International Journal on Advances in Software , 9 (3&4) , 304--322
Type: article
Michael Whitton,
& Sara Gould
, 2015
Type: report
G Conoloe,
M Oliver,
& J Seale
, 2006 , ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology , 14 (1) , 9--20
Type: article
L.C. Thomas,
& Bo Huang
, 2015
Type: conference
L. Tartaglia,
A. Pastorello,
C. Baltay,
D. Rabinowitz,
P. Nugent,
A.J. Drake,
S.G. Djorgovski,
A. Gal-Yam,
S. Fabrika,
E.A. Barsukova,
V.P. Goranskij,
A.F. Valeev,
T. Fatkhullin,
S. Schulze,
A. Mehner,
F.E. Bauer,
S. Taubenberger,
J. Nordin,
S. Valenti,
D.A. Howell,
S. Benetti,
E. Cappellaro,
G. Fasano,
N. Elias-Rosa,
M. Barbieri,
D. Bettoni,
A. Harutyunyan,
T. Kangas,
E. Kankare,
J.C. Martin,
S. Mattila,
A Morales-Garoffolo,
P. Ochner,
Umaa D. Rebbapragada,
G. Terreran,
L. Tomasella,
M. Turatto,
E. Verroi,
& P.R. Woźniak
, 2016 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 459 (1) , 1039--1059
Type: article
Marc Rius,
& Christopher D. McQuaid
, 2009 , Basic and Applied Ecology , 10 (7) , 607--613
Type: article
Angus M. Kennedy,
Martin S. Schwartz,
Hamid Modarres,
Mark Scott,
& Fred Schon
, 1997 , Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry , 63 (4) , 542--546
Type: article