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& Vicki Chalker
, 2019
Type: bookChapter
Nishan Guha,
Ioulietta Erotokritou-Mulligan,
Caroline Burford,
Gail Strobridge,
Joanna Brigg,
Tamsin Drake,
E. Eryl Bassett,
David Cowan,
Christiaan Bartlett,
Peter H. Sonksen,
, 2010 , Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 95 (6) , 2969--2976
Type: article
A. Laskari,
R. de Kat,
R.J. Hearst,
, 2018 , Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 842 , 554--590
Type: article
C.D. Johnson,
M. Lempinen,
C.W. Imrie,
P. Puolakkainen,
E. Kemppainen,
R. Carter,
& C. McKay
, 2004 , British Journal of Surgery , 91 (8) , 1027--1033
Type: article
Maria T. Hernandez,
Rachel A. Mills,
& Richard D. Pancost
, 2008 , Organic Geochemistry , 39 (8) , 1051--1057
Type: article
Joanna Gould,
Jennifer, Elizabeth Pearson-Farr,
Lauren E Airey,
Emily Mort,
& Tom Fleming
, 2018
Type: conference
A. Cordero-Cid,
J. Hernandez-Sanchez,
C.G. Honorato,
, 2015 , Proceedings of Science , Charged2014
Type: article
Anders Levermann,
Jonathan L. Bamber,
Andrey Ganopolski,
Winfried Haeberli,
Neil R.P. Harris,
Matthias Huss,
Kirstin Krüger,
Timothy M. Lenton,
Ronald W. Lindsay,
Dirk Notz,
Peter Wadhams,
& Susanne Weber
, 2012 , Climatic Change , 110 (3-4) , 845--878
Type: article