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& Jennifer Gaskell
, 2021 , Journal of European Public Policy , 28 (8) , 1174--1196
Type: article
& Ross Drummond
, 2021 , International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , 31 (6) , 2255--2273
Type: article
S. J. Coles,
, 2000 , Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications , 56 (9) , p.E405
Type: article
, 2017 , Transnational Environmental Law , 6 (3) , 463--483
Type: article
I. Gupta,
A. Serb,
A. Khiat,
& T. Prodromakis
, 2015
Type: conference
Karen Bloor,
Jim Briggs,
Anya de Longh,
Caroline Kovacs,
Antonello Maruotti,
David Prytherch,
Oliver Redfern,
Paul Schmidt,
Nicky Sinden,
& Gary Smith
, 2018 , Health Services and Delivery Research , 6 (38) , 1--120
Type: article