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S.V. Chernikov,
E.M. Dianov,
, 1993 , Optics Letters , 18 (7) , 476--478
Type: article
R.J. Mears,
L. Reekie,
S.B. Poole,
, 1986
Type: conference
Z. Li,
S. Alam,
J.M.O. Daniel,
P.C. Shardlow,
D. Jain,
N. Simakov,
A.M. Heidt,
, 2014
Type: conference
Caroline Young,
& Chris Skinner
, 2009 , International Journal of Geographical Information Science , 23 (4) , 457--482
Type: article
J.A. Medeiros-Neto,
D.W. Hewak,
& H. Tate
, 1995 , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids , 183 (1-2) , 201--207
Type: article
Lei Cui,
Guoli Yan,
Xuejun Bai,
Hui Chi,
& Simon Liversedge
, 2018 , Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology , 71 (1) , 190--197
Type: article
M. Herrington,
K. Daly,
O. Buchnev,
, 2011 , Europhysics Letters , 95 (1) , 14003--[6pp]
Type: article