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Julia Freimuth,
Dieter Riethmacher,
Christian Trautwein,
& Christian Liedtke
, 2007 , Hepatology , 46 , 775A--776A
Type: article
M.P. Varnham,
A.J. Barlow,
& R.D. Birch
, 1983 , IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology , 1 (2) , 332--9
Type: article
W.A. Gambling,
& H. Matsumura
, 1976
Type: conference
Cynthia M. Gong,
Di Luo,
& Huainan Zhao
, 2020
Type: conference
B. Deutsch,
T. Rummell,
W.E. Heinlein,
, 1992 , Electronics Letters , 28 (23) , 2140--2141
Type: article
D.O. Culverhouse,
S.H. Yun,
T.A. Birks,
S.G. Farwell,
& P.St.J. Russell
, 1996
Type: conference
& Richard Treves
, 2007 , British Journal of Educational Technology , 38 (5) , 773--783
Type: article
Maria Vasilopoulou,
Ioannis Kostis,
Antonios M. Douvas,
Anastasia Soultati,
Giorgos Papadimitropoulos,
Nikos A. Stathopoulos,
Stelios S. Savaidis,
Panagiotis Argitis,
& Dimitris Davazoglou
, 2013 , Surface and Coatings Technology , 230 , 202--207
Type: article