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Yifang Gao,
, 2015 , Frontiers in Immunology , 6 (302) , 1--8
Type: article
An Nguyen,
, 2016 , IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics , 13 (2) , 272--280
Type: article
Matthias Braubach,
, 2011 , Journal of Housing for the Elderly , 25 (3) , 288--305
Type: article
G.G. Paschos,
T.C.H. Liew,
Z. Hatzopoulos,
P.G. Savvidis,
& G. Deligeorgis
, 2018 , Scientific Reports , 8 (1)
Type: article
E. Wertz,
L. Ferrier,
D.D. Solnyshkov,
R. Johne,
D. Sanvitto,
A. Lemaitre,
I. Sagnes,
R. Grousson,
P. Senellart,
G. Malpuech,
& J. Bloch
, 2010 , Nature Physics , 6 , 860--864
Type: article
J.M. McWhirter,
& N.M. Wetton
, 2002
Type: report
M.E.D. Bains,
& A.A. Dale
, 2001 , Environmental Science & Technology , 35 (11) , 2171--2177
Type: article
John Moehrke,
Arnon Rosenthal,
, 2016
Type: conference