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Javier Padilla,
& Enrique Chueca
, 2020 , Journal of Elections Public Opinion and Parties
Type: article
Weiwei Song,
M. Chahal,
G.K. Celler,
Y. Jaluria,
& W. Jiang
, 2013 , Optics Express , 21 (4) , 4235--4243
Type: article
Sheena Asthana,
Alex Gibson,
Trevor Bailey,
Paul Hewson,
& Chris Dibben
, 2016 , Health Services and Delivery Research , 4 (14)
Type: article
Christopher R.M. Asquith,
Tuomo Laitinen,
James M. Bennett,
Carrow I. Wells,
Jonathan M. Elkins,
William J. Zuercher,
& Antti Poso
, 2020 , ChemMedChem , 15 (1) , 26--49
Type: article
Raysa Khan,
Sarote Boonseng,
Paul D. Kemmitt,
Robert Felix,
Gareth Williams,
Olivia Simmonds,
Jessica-Lily Harvey,
John Atack,
Hazel Cox,
& John Spencer
, 2017 , Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
Type: article
N. Hammond,
P. Koumi,
A. Lowe,
& T. Brown
, 2007 , Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry , 5 (12) , 1878--1885
Type: article
Shunbin Wang,
Jiquan Zhang,
Niannian Xu,
Shijie Jia,
& Pengfei Wang
, 2020 , Optics Letters , 45 (5) , 1216--1219
Type: article
Xiujuan Jiang,
Jing He,
Muhammad Abdul Khudus,
, 2017 , Optics Express , 25 (19) , 22626--22639
Type: article
John Mills,
V. Finazzi,
& F. Koizumi
, 2006 , Electronics Letters , 42 (10) , 574--575
Type: article