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Paul Kowal,
Perianayagam Arokiasamy,
Sanghamitra Pati,
& J. Josh Snodgrass
, 2015 , The Lancet , 385 (9984) , 2252--2253
Type: letterEditorial
Jens Carlsson,
Samuel Shephard,
James Coughlan,
Emer Rogan,
& Tom F. Cross
, 2011 , Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers , 58 (6) , 627--636
Type: article
Themistoklis Prodromakis,
Christos Papavassiliou,
& George Konstantinidis
, 2007
Type: conference
D. Eldridge,
, 2011 , Relations Industrielles Industrial Relations , 66 (2) , 213--234
Type: article
Rita Guerra,
Kinga Bierwiaczonek,
Marina Ferreira,
Agnieszka Golec de Zavala,
Georgios Abakoumkin,
, 2020 , Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Type: article
R. Cheston,
E. Dodd,
G Christopher,
P White,
, 2020 , The International Journal of Aging and Human Development , 1--19
Type: article
R. Bruni,
J. Meseguer,
U. Montanari,
, 1999
Type: conference
I. Shadrivov,
V. Fedotov,
D. Powell,
Y.S. Kivshar,
, 2011
Type: conference
G Hutchings,
& P Thorogood
, 1992
Type: report