Research project

Quantifying macroscopic flow and transport in the unsaturated zone to address the long-term contaminant burden of waste repositories.


Lead researchers

Professor William Powrie

Professor of Geotechnical Engineering
Research interests
  • Railway track and trackbed behaviour and performance
  • Geotechnical transportation infrastructure (earthworks, retaining walls, tunnels)
  • Groundwater and groundwater control
Connect with William

Other researchers

Dr Richard Beaven

Principal Research Fellow
Connect with Richard

Professor Joel Smethurst BEng PhD GMICE FHEA

Research interests
  • Deterioration of geotechnical infrastructure subject to both seasonal cycles of wetting and drying and applied traffic loading
  • The effect of extreme weather events and climate change on the performance of earthworks (cuttings and embankments) and flood levees
  • The effects of vegetation transpiration and root reinforcement on the performance of earthworks
Connect with Joel

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