Research project

Understanding microglial development in the rodents and human brain

Project overview

Understanding the dynamics and phenotype of microglia during development is a fundamental aspect when trying to elucidate the contribution of these cells to normal and abnormal neurodevelopment. In this project we are looking at defining the key mechanisms controlling the microglial population during critical neurodevelopment windows, using in depth phenotypic of pots-mortem human samples as well as rodent models.


Lead researchers

Professor Diego Gomez-Nicola PhD

Research interests
  • Neuroimmunology
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Neurodevelopment
Connect with Diego

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Liam Carroll, Sven Braeutigam, John M. Dawes, Zeljka Krsnik, Ivica Kostovic, Ester Coutinho, Jennifer Dewing, Christopher Horton, Diego Gomez-Nicola & David Menassa, 2021, The Neuroscientist, 27(1), 10-29
Type: article
Jose P. Lopez-Atalaya, Katharine E. Askew, Amanda Sierra & Diego Gomez-Nicola, 2017, Developmental Neurobiology, 78(6), 561-579
Type: review