Research project

Transport Systems Catapult: University Partnership Programme

Project overview

The Transport Systems Catapult (TSC) set up a Universities Partnership Programme (UPP) in 2014/15, involving eight Universities actively working in Intelligent Mobility (IM) and who cover the different geographical regions in the UK. The University of Southampton is covering southern England and is undertaking three main activities:

(i) Knowledge Exchange: Seminars and Workshops: Activities include workshops on knowledge exchange and transfer on IM involving staff from the University, the TSC and relevant industry players in the South of England

(ii) Knowledge Exchange through secondments: This involves secondments of research staff and students to the TSC and potentially secondments of TSC staff to Southampton and

(iii) User needs for education and training in IM.

These activities are focusing on two of the TSC Business Unit themes – (i) Autonomous Transport Systems, with Southampton taking a leading role in maritime transport and (ii) Modelling, where one major activity at Southampton is the development of a traffic control testbed using open source software. The aim here is to support the evaluation of new traffic control strategies in traffic streams containing connected and autonomous vehicles.

More information about the Transport Systems Catapult (TSC) 


Lead researchers

Other researchers

Dr Alan Wong

Research Fellow
Research interests
  • the development of people-friendly, sustainable and liveable cities, that inter-link urban with transportation planning;
  • improving the de-carbonisation of road transport, with the associated improvements on air quality;
  • encouraging more sustainable modes of travel, including walking, cycling and taking public transport, with the health benefits these can also bring;
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