Research project

TAS Hub Agile: Co-Design of Context-Aware Trustworthy Audio Systems

Project overview

In today’s world, we are surrounded by a variety of Autonomous AUdio Systems (AAUS). Audio capture may contain personal identity attributes of voice and speech that are protected in the scope of individual rights. This data can also be misused by attackers, highlighting key issues of data protection, privacy, and security. AAUS encompasses the wide breadth of devices and systems that are enabled for audio and speech capture, such as home devices, smart watches, virtual assistants, and audio-enabled vehicles.


Lead researchers

Dr Jennifer Williams

Research interests
  • Responsible and trustworthy audio processing applied to a variety of domains and use-cases;
  • Audio AI safety in terms of usability, privacy, and security;
  • Ethical issues of trust for audio AI (deepfake detection, voice-related rights, and speaker and content privacy). 
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Research outputs