Research project

Spintronic device in Si/Ge Heterostructures

Project overview

Spin-dependent transport is investigated in a Ni/Ge/AlGaAs junction with an electrodeposited Ni contact. Spin-polarized electrons are excited by optical spin orientation and are subsequently used to measure the spin dependent conductance at the Ni/Ge Schottky interface. We demonstrate electron spin transport and electrical extraction from the Ge layer at room temperature.


Lead researchers

Professor Kees De Groot

Research interests
  • Radio-Frequency and Microwave Devices
  • 2 dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides  Transistors
  • Smart Radiative Cooling and RF control of smart glass using metal oxides such as Al-doped ZnO and W-doped VO2
Connect with Kees

Research outputs

A.R. Usgaocar, C.H. de Groot, Cédric Boulart, Alain Castillo & Valérie Chavagnac, 2012, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 170, 176-181
Type: article