Research project

Seaweed Dynamics – Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

Project overview

The project addresses the global impact of climate change-induced shifts in seaweed dynamics by co-developing an awareness campaign in the UK. Blooms of seaweeds carry risks for sectors, including tourism and fisheries, in regions spanning southeast Asia, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, and the UK. The project aims to build on a citizen science collaboration with a Widening Participation target (coastal) school, and work with the Southampton Education School, to co-create a public education campaign that develops public awareness and showcases the potential of seaweed utilization. We achieve this through: (1) working with students and teachers from The Cornerstone Academy fortnight in a provisioned after-school club, with support from a PhD student; (2) visiting the University of Southampton labs with students to attend a workshop on socio-economic opportunities from seaweed; and (3) working with the Southampton Education School to develop videos highlighting the challenges and opportunities of blooming seaweeds.


Lead researchers

Dr Vicky Dominguez Almela

Research interests
  • Research interests: 
  • My work includes the use of individual-based models (IBMs), geographical information systems (GIS) and stable isotopes to increase understandings of invasion patterns and evaluate invasive species eradication programmes. I also use citizen science tools to co-produce knowledge with the general public and increase adaptation pathways to biological invasions.
  • I have mainly work with fish in the past, but recently I have been fascinated by the invasion of the brown pelagic seaweed called sargassum.
Connect with Vicky

Other researchers

Dr Sien Van Der Plank PhD

Senior Research Fellow
Research interests
  • Qualitative and mixed methods to study social-environmental change
  • Risk perceptions and behaviours to hazards
  • Oral history and archival methods to understand past human adaptation
Connect with Sien

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Research outputs