Research project

Sandham - EP/I032576/1 Ab initio hydrodynamic rough surface characterisation with applications


Lead researchers

Professor Neil Sandham

Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Research interests
  • Transonic aerodynamics of wings
  • Hypersonic flows with transition to turbulence
  • Flow over rough surfaces
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Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Angela Busse, Manan Thakkar & Neil Sandham, 2017, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 810, 196-224
Type: article
Angela Busse, Mark Luetzner & N.D. Sandham, 2015, Computers & Fluids, 116, 129-147
Type: article
N. De Tullio, P. Paredes, N. D. Sandham & V. Theofilis, 2013, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 735, 613-646
Type: article
c.j. Tyson & N. D. Sandham, 2013, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 41, 2-15
Type: article
A.E. Busse & N.D. Sandham, 2011, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 318(22006), 1-9
Type: article