Research project

Salah Mansour: CRUK: A new class of tumour-associated lipid antigens for recognition by CD1c-restriced T Cells


Lead researchers

Dr Salah Mansour PhD

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Unconventioanl T cells in health and disease 
  • CD1 group 1 restricted T cell immunity  
  • Structural and molecular mechainsms of CD1 lipid antigen presentation 
Connect with Salah

Other researchers

Professor Ivo Tews


Research interests

  • Natural products biosynthesis: a complex cascade of catalytic steps in vitamin B6 biosynthesis is characterised by structures or reaction intermediates in the large PLP syntase complexEdit
  • Bacterial biofilms: understanding of RedOx regulated phosphodiesterase activity in dispersal of biofilms to address chronic infections
  • Cancer immunology: together with Cancer Immunology at Southampton we use a structure based apporach in developing novel cancer therapie
Connect with Ivo

Professor Jonathan Essex

Connect with Jonathan

Professor Chris Skylaris

Professor of Computational Chemistry

Research interests

  • Development of large-scale electronic structure methods, based on Density Functional Theory within the ONETEP program (
  • Development of atomistic and multiscale simulation methods for materials using quantum and classical methods, and machine-learned potentials
  • Application of these simulation methods to discover advanced materials in technologically relevant problems such as batteries, hydrogen fuel cells and drud optimisation
Connect with Chris

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Research outputs