Research project

ROLL2RAIL - H2020 - Pro. David Thompson - 636032


Lead researchers

Professor David Thompson MA PhD CEng FIMechE FIOA FHEA

Professor of Railway Noise and Vibration
Research interests
  • Low noise design in railways
  • Ground vibration and ground-borne noise
  • Aerodynamic noise from high-speed trains
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Other researchers

Dr Giacomo Squicciarini

Associate Professor
Research interests
  • Theoretical modelling of rolling noise: predictions of noise radiated by a train wheel rolling on a rail.
  • Curve squeal: measurements and models for understanding and mitigating curve squeal noise.
  • Piano acoustics: experiments and numerical modelling of sound generation in pianos.
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Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

David Thompson, Giacomo Squicciarini, Jin Zhang, Ines Lopez Arteaga, Elias Zea, Michael Dittrich, Erwin Jansen, Kevin Arcas, Ester Cierco, F.X. Magrans, Antoine Malkoun, Egoitz Iturritxa, Ainara Guiral, Matthias Stangl, Gerald Schleinzer, Beatriz Martin Lopez, Claire Chaufour & Johan Wandell, 2018, Applied Acoustics, 140, 48-62
Type: article
Elias Zea, Luca Manzari, Giacomo Squicciarini, Leping Feng, David Thompson & Ines Lopez Arteaga, 2017, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 409, 24-42
Type: article