Research project

Research while you sleep - SleepeR

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  • Status:
    Not active

Project overview

WSI Pilot Project
The project's aim is to investigate a playful way in which humans and Artificial intelligence (AI) can work together in exercises of research discovery. Using a playful messy multiplayer spatial hypertext tool, we will add a new tool “SleepeR” and a new view “Research while you sleep”. is designed as a modular system allowing new “views” of the data to be seen, this includes supporting multiscreen, multiplayer thinking, meaning one person can have a focussed fast view and another can have a big picture canvas view. This new view connects the human data collecting mode to a new AI collection mode.
Using methods of research across computer science, social sciences (education), and the arts this is a truly interdisciplinary project.
This project will build and test the specific addition of AI (SleepeR) to support the research directions and discovery from a team of academics and / or students notes and a bank of resources and web crawling.
Can AI application of using, user-generated ideas (notes / comments / images even) and a set of related curated data and web crawling improve project ideas, offer unexpected directions, improve future study and rigour? 
The research examines whether or not this combination of approaches and tools can amplify the outcomes and direction of research for humans. In this instance, the machine becomes the library search assistant to enrich human discovery and co-creation, with the project focus on human-centric, explainable AI. 
As a ‘human-centric, explainable AI’ approach to these questions, “SleepeR” will use search terms generated by the team during their normal study activities and “SleepeR” will look to provide supporting research to improve the efficiency of future study activities. 
“SleepeR” becomes a type of ‘Digital Study Buddy’ that enhances human activity rather than replacing it. AI is explainable as the results returned would also include an explanation of why these specific resources were selected, giving a suggest scoring out of 10 for relevance. Perhaps even the playful nature of could also rank this selection using emoji or memes.

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs