Research project

Physical properties and reflection character of incoming sediments, Nankai subduction zone

Project overview

The Nankai subduction zone has a long record of earthquakes and tsunami and is very well instrumented providing records of recorded seismicity and geodetic data. It has been studied extensively, including as part of several major scientific ocean drilling projects (IODP, Nantroseize) and with networks of seismic reflection profiles. This project integrates core, log and seismic datasets from the Nankai subduction zone incoming sediments to evaluate how sediment input properties and their variation and other subduction parameters (e.g., convergence rate, obliquity, topography and age of subducting oceanic basement) impact on seismogenic behaviour in the subduction zone. Results will indicate what controls variability in fault properties and fault slip at this margin.


Lead researchers

Professor Lisa Mcneill

Professor of Tectonics
Research interests
  • Active tectonics
  • Geohazards
  • Marine geophysics
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