Research project

National Biofilms Innovation Centre NBIC Collaborative Training Partnership (CTP2)

Project overview

In summary,this CTP will run open calls for project between industry and our 64 associate academic partners for three years/ cohort intakes. These projects will be assessed by the NBIC’s IAB as well as theNBIC’s SMB against criteria related to how well they address:
•Overlapping NBIC’s PDME themes (biofilm Prevention, Detection, Management and Engineering)and leading-edge frontier and applied bioscience challenges relevant to BBSRCs remit and strategy.
•Provision of the support and challenge to develop multidisciplinary skills and capabilities demanded by industry in executing the project.
•Provide rich and rewarding placements which develop both the soft and hard skills to prepare the graduate student for the world of work in industry.


Other researchers

Professor Jeremy Webb

Professor of Microbiology
Research interests
  • Microbial biofilms and their control
  • Adaptive biology and evolution of microorganisms
  • Biofilm-associated infection
Connect with Jeremy

Professor Peter Smith BSc, PhD, MA, FRSB

Professor of Life Sciences
Connect with Peter

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs