Research project

Meaning in Language Learning - R Slabakova AHRC

Project overview

The aim of this grant was to establish a new, UK-based international research network devoted to integrating insights from theoretical linguistic
research with insights from the reality of the language classroom, in order to develop a programme of research into new approaches to fostering the acquisition of meaning in the L2 classroom. See more details at

The network was based at the Universities of York and Southampton and included 7 core and 11 associate members in the UK, as well as 4 international members. A series of teacher-researcher workshops and focus groups with teachers were held, whose input was overwhelmingly positive. A number of short videos aimed at language teachers and learners were created (see project website), in order to showcase examples of meaning phenomena in different languages that have been found to be important in linguistic research but that are not treated in language teaching textbooks.

A colloquium entitled "What does meaning mean in second language learning?" was presented at the internationally important conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA) in 2016.

The investigators edited a special issue of journal Language Teaching Research, (Impact Factor 3.89), addressing the network topic through experimental studies.


Lead researchers

Professor Roumyana Slabakova

Chair in Applied Linguistics

Research interests

  • Generative linguistic theory and the second language (L2) acquisition
  • Acquisition of grammatical structure and its interaction with meaning
  • Online and offline psycholinguistic methodologies
Connect with Roumyana

Research outputs

Heather Marsden & Roumyana Slabakova, 2019, Language Teaching Research, 23(2), 147-157
Type: article