Research project

Machine learning to identify predictors of outcome and survival in the treatment of mUM (metastatic uveal melanoma) with M-PHP (melphalan percutaneous hepatic perfusion).


Lead researchers

Dr Ganesh Vigneswaran MBBS, BSc, PhD, FRCR

NIHR Clinical Lecturer
Connect with Ganesh

Other researchers

Professor John Primrose

Professor of Surgery
Research interests
  • Professor Primrose’s research is in gastrointestinal cancer, clinical and translational and Health Services Research. The focus is on improving outcomes for patients undergoing surgical treatment for cancer. This is being achieved through devising and undertaking large scale national and international trials. All the studies are associated with tissue collections with a view to the development of biomarkers which will have prognostic value and may also predict response to therapy.
Connect with John

Professor Tim Underwood

Professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Connect with Tim

Professor Mahesan Niranjan

ISIS Chair
Connect with Mahesan

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Ganesh Vigneswaran, Pippa Woodcock, Tom Gibson, Shian Patel, Maryam Adil, Matthew Wheater, Ioannis Karydis, Sanjay Gupta, Brian Stedman & Sachin Modi, 2022, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 40(16)
Type: conference
Sachin Modi, Tom Gibson, Ganesh Vigneswaran, Shian Patel, Matthew Wheater, Ioannis Karydis, Sanjay Gupta, Arjun Takhar, Neil Pearce, Christian Ottensmeier & Brian Stedman, 2022, Melanoma Research, 32(2), 103-111
Type: article