Research project

Long term dynamics of interdependent infrastructure systmes


Other researchers

Professor John Preston

Professor in Rail Transport

Research interests

  • Demand, capacity and cost modelling for sustainable transport infrastructure.
  • The design, monitoring and evaluation of transport interventions designed to promote sustainable choices.
  • The determination of pathways for future mobility transitions to net zero carbon.
Connect with John

Professor Simon Blainey PhD, FRGS, FHEA, MCIHT, CMILT

Professor of Sustainable Transport

Research interests

  • Rail demand and operations modelling
  • GIS and transport
  • Transport decision support systems
Connect with Simon

Professor William Powrie

Professor of Geotechnical Engineering

Research interests

  • Railway track and trackbed behaviour and performance
  • Geotechnical transportation infrastructure (earthworks, retaining walls, tunnels)
  • Groundwater and groundwater control
Connect with William

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

J.W. Hall, J.J. Henriques, A.J. Hickford, R.J. Nicholls, P. Baruah, M. Birkin, M. Chaudry, T.P. Curtis, N. Eyre, C. Jones, C.G. Kilsby, A. Leathard, A. Lorenz, N. Malleson, F. McLeod, W. Powrie, J.M. Preston, N. Rai, R. Street, A. Stringfellow, C. Thoung, P. Tyler, R. Velykiene, G.V.R. Watson & J.W. Watson, 2014, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 20(3)
Type: article
S.P. Blainey & J.M. Preston, 2013, Rail Technology Magazine, 17, 17
Type: article