Research project

LAPASO: Microfluidics for a label-free particle sorting

  • Research groups:
  • Lead researchers:
  • Research funder:
    European Union
  • Status:
    Not active


Lead researchers

Professor Hywel Morgan MBE

Professor of Bioelectronics

Research interests

  • Microfluidics
  • Bio-sensors
  • Lab-on-a-chip technologies
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Research outputs

Jorge Queiros De Almeida Xavier, Stefan Holm, Jason Beech, Daniel Spencer, Jonas Tegenfeldt, Richard Oreffo & Hywel Morgan, 2019, Lab on a Chip, 19(3), 513-523
Type: article
Carlos, Manuel Fernandes Honrado, Laura Ciuffreda, Daniel Spencer, Lisa Ranford-Cartwright & Hywel Morgan, 2018, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15(147)
Type: article