Research project



Lead researchers

Professor Michael Boniface CEng, FIET

Professorial Fellow in Information Techn
Research interests
  • Artifical intelligence for health systems
  • Human centred interactive systems
  • Federated systems management 
Connect with Michael

Research outputs

Clarissa Cassales Marquezan, Andreas Metzger, Klaus Pohl, Vegard Engen, Mike Boniface, Stephen Phillips & Zlatko Zlatev, 2012
Type: bookChapter
Tommaso Cucinotta, Fabio Checconi, George Kousiouris, Kleopatra Konstanteli, Spyridon Gogouvitis, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Theodora Varvarigou, Alessandro Mazzetti, Zlatko Zlatev, Juri Papay, Mike Boniface, Soren Berger, Dominik Lamp, Thomas Voith & Manuel Stein, 2012, Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 6(2), 151-166
Type: article