Research project

Investigating the scalability of remotely sensed traits-based approaches to monitor vegetation within the river corridor.


Lead researcher

Dr Christopher Tomsett

Snr Envirnment Sensing Technician (E/R)

Research interests

  • Chris has a background in developing sensor systems and monitoring routines for investingating the interactions between vegetation and flow within river systems. More recent research has investigated using machine learning methods to imporve our understanding of sediment delivery across the worlds largests rivers. As a result, he has a wide variety of skills ranging from data aqusition and processing, through to machine learning and modelling techniques.
  • He has worked on a wide variety of projects for research and commercial purposes, operating in a range of environments from catchment managament through to the coastal zone, making use of autnomous surveying systems such as UAVs and USVs, as well as terrestrial data collection. 
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Research outputs