Research project

TISuMR: Integrated Tissue Slice Culture and NMR Metabolomics – A Novel Approach Towards Systemic

  • Research groups:
  • Lead researchers:
  • Research funder:
    European Union
  • Status:
    Not active

Project overview

This international collaboration, led by Southampton, aims to provide a radically new technological platform for the integrated culture and NMR observation of liver tissue slices, with the immediate objective to elucidate the mechanism of liver damage by cholestasis.


Lead researchers

Professor Marcel Utz

Professorial Fellow-Research
Research interests
  • Integration of microfluidic lab-on-a-chip technology with NMR spectroscopy and imaging;
  • Behaviour of complex materials.
Connect with Marcel

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Marek Plata, Manvendra Sharma, Marcel Utz & Jörn M. Werner, 2022, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(5), 3204–3210
Type: article
Bishnubrata Patra, Manvendra Sharma, William G Hale & Marcel Utz, 2021, Scientific Reports, 11(1)
Type: article
James Eills, William G Hale & Marcel Utz, 2021, Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Type: review
Marek Plata, William G Hale, Manvendra Sharma, Jorn Werner & Marcel Utz, 2021, Lab on a Chip, 21(8), 1598-1603
Type: article
Yibin Sun, Hongxun Fang, Xujing Lin, Xiuxiu Wang, Ganyu Chen, Xinchang Wang, Zhongqun Tian, Liulin Yang, Marcel Utz & Xiaoyu Cao, 2021, Chemistry, 2021(3), 948–956
Type: article