Research project

Infrastructure Monitoring using Passive Remote Imagery


Lead researchers

Professor William Powrie

Professor of Geotechnical Engineering
Research interests
  • Railway track and trackbed behaviour and performance
  • Geotechnical transportation infrastructure (earthworks, retaining walls, tunnels)
  • Groundwater and groundwater control
Connect with William

Other researchers

Professor Joel Smethurst BEng PhD GMICE FHEA

Research interests
  • Deterioration of geotechnical infrastructure subject to both seasonal cycles of wetting and drying and applied traffic loading
  • The effect of extreme weather events and climate change on the performance of earthworks (cuttings and embankments) and flood levees
  • The effects of vegetation transpiration and root reinforcement on the performance of earthworks
Connect with Joel

Research outputs

Joel Smethurst, Alister Smith, Sebastian Uhlemann, Chris Wooff, Jonathan Chambers, Paul Hughes, Stanislav Lenart, Haris Saroglou, Sarah Marcella Springman, Hjördis Löfroth & David Hughes, 2017, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 50(3), 271-286
Type: article
L. Fan, J.A. Smethurst, P.M. Atkinson & W. Powrie, 2015, Computers & Geosciences, 83, 54-64
Type: article
L. Fan, W. Powrie, J.A. Smethurst, P.M. Atkinson & H. Einstein, 2014, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 95, 42-52
Type: article
L Fan, J.A. Smethurst, P.M. Atkinson & W. Powrie, 2014, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28(7), 1378-1400
Type: article