Project overview
1: Optimise the Understanding Consequences CPD e-learning module in response to stakeholder feedback, for delivery by PCUK
2: Further develop UoS IT infrastructure to (i) deliver UoS hosted CPD e-learning resources for the purpose of KE via external partners’ training platforms (ii) enable registration of users with UoS, and automated capture of KE and impact (UoS-HCPelearn Impact Capture)
3: Deliver the UoS hosted, PCUK badged, e-learning resource via PCUK training platforms, with automated capture of KE and impact,
1: Optimise the Understanding Consequences CPD e-learning module in response to stakeholder feedback, for delivery by PCUK
2: Further develop UoS IT infrastructure to (i) deliver UoS hosted CPD e-learning resources for the purpose of KE via external partners’ training platforms (ii) enable registration of users with UoS, and automated capture of KE and impact (UoS-HCPelearn Impact Capture)
3: Deliver the UoS hosted, PCUK badged, e-learning resource via PCUK training platforms, with automated capture of KE and impact,