Research project

IMPRINT: IMunnising PRegnant women and INfants neTwork

  • Lead researchers:
  • Research funder:
    Medical Research Council
  • Status:
    Not active

Project overview

IMPRINT is a network focusing on maternal and neonatal immunisation, funded by the UK’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). Its members support challenge-led interdisciplinary research and aim to strengthen capacity for research and innovation within the UK and in low- and middle-income countries. IMPRINT is coordinated by Network Director Prof. Beate Kampmann (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) and Co-Director A/Prof. Chrissie Jones (University of Southampton).

Our unique inter-disciplinary network represents stakeholders from basic science, immunology, vaccinology, social sciences, industry, public health and national and international policy makers who have come together in order to tackle the key challenges in the best use of vaccines in pregnancy and in newborns, and in the long term, improve maternal and newborn health.


Lead researchers

Dr Chrissie Jones BMedSci, BMBS, FRCPCH, PgcertHBE, FHEA, PhD

Assoc Prof Paeds Infection & Immunology
Research interests
  • Vaccination in pregnancy
  • Infection risk reduction in pregnancy
  • Congenital infections
Connect with Chrissie

Research outputs