Research project

Impacts of climate change on the health and functioning of invasive and native bivalves - will it lead to increased competition - Solan - BES


Lead researchers

Professor Martin Solan

Professor of Marine Ecology
Research interests
  • Biodiversity ecosystem function bioturbation benthic ecology
Connect with Martin

Other researchers

Professor Chris Hauton PhD, FRSB, FMBA

Head of School
Research interests
  • Hauton has worked extensively with colleagues in India and Bangladesh since 2015 and has developed an international profile in shrimp health research, including contributing to the development of a mobile phone app, the 'Chingri Shrimp App', to support shrimp farmer training in Bangladesh.
  • Research has also included quantifying the potential toxic risk of deep sea mining of mineral resources. He was part of the leading team of the EC FP7 MIDAS Project, exploring the ecological risk of deep-sea mining, outputs from which led to contributions to the Royal Society Foresight Future of the Sea report (2016/17), to presentations at the UN International Seabed Authority in Jamaica, and expert contributions to the UN ISA ISA Legal and Technical Commision ISBA/27/C/11 'Guidelines for the establishment of baseline environmental data.'
  • Other activity
Connect with Chris

Professor Jasmin Godbold

Research interests
  • Changes in seafloor biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
  • Effect of human activities and environmental change on species-environment interactions 
  • Trait-expression in benthic invertebrates
Connect with Jasmin

Research outputs