Research project

HF Auto: Human Factors of Highly Automated Driving

Project overview

In the HF Auto project, experiments in driving simulators and on the road were performed to investigate human interaction with various levels of automation including:

  • full-range ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control)
  • SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) level 2 automation with drivers monitoring the automation, and 
  • SAE level 3 automation allowing drivers to take their eyes off the road. 

Studies focused on passenger cars but also included truck platooning. 

HF Auto bridged the gap between engineers and psychologists through a multidisciplinary research and training programme.


Lead researchers

Emeritus Professor Neville Stanton

Research interests
  • Ergonomics and Human Factors methods
  • Distributed cognition and distributed situation awareness
  • The effects of automation on human tasks, mainly focused on the development of vehicle automation in road transport
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Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Alexander Eriksson & Neville A. Stanton, 2017, Safety Science
Type: article
Alexander Eriksson, Victoria Banks & Neville Stanton, 2017, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 102, 227-234
Type: article