Research project

NoBIAS – Artificial Intelligence without Bias

Project overview

The core objective of NoBIAS is to research and develop novel methods for AI-based decision making without bias. NoBIAS will deliver a cohort of 15 researchers trained to identify biased and discriminating AI-decision making and able to provide solutions that reconcile and fully exploit AI while ensuring compliance with legal and social norms.
The interdisciplinary NoBIAS consortium consists of eight organizations including a non-academic one spread across five European states with leading expertise in artificial intelligence, law and sociology. The network is complemented with ten associated non-academic partners from different application domains including banks and healthcare.


Lead researchers

Professor Thanassis Tiropanis

Research interests
  • Decentralised information systems and infrastructures
  • Decentralised information retrieval
  • Data (and Web) observatories
Connect with Thanassis

Other researchers

Professor Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon

Research interests
  • Data Protection
  • Data Governance
  • Platform Regulation
Connect with Sophie

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs