Research project

GR/S87720 Base Metal Recovery

  • Research funder:
  • Status:
    Not active

Research outputs

Gareth W. Bates, James E. Davidson, Ross S. Forgan, Philip A. Gale, David K. Henderson, Michael G. King, Mark E. Light, Stephen J. Moore, Peter A. Tasker & Christine C. Tong, 2012, Supramolecular Chemistry, 24(2), 117-126
Type: article
Claudia Caltagirone, Gareth W. Bates, Philip A. Gale & Mark E. Light, 2008, Chemical Communications(1), 61-63
Type: article
Gareth W. Bates, (No initials) Triyanti, Mark E. Light, Markus Albrecht & Philip A. Gale, 2007, Journal of Organic Chemistry, 72(23), 8921-8927
Type: article
G.W. Bates, P.A. Gale & M.E. Light, 2007, Chemical Communications(21), 2121-2123
Type: article
Jonathan L. Sessler, Dustin E. Gross, Won-Seob Cho, Vincent M. Lynch, Franz P. Schmidtchen, Gareth W. Bates, Mark E. Light & Philip A. Gale, 2006, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128(37), 12281-12288
Type: article