Research project

Gender Equitable electric Micro-mobility (GEM) Guidelines

Project overview

Within our current transportation modes, a gender-data gap has led to the design of transportation systems that do not capture the needs and motivations of female travellers. It has already been identified that e-micromobility platforms are more likely to be used by males. Females tend to be more safety conscious, which limits them from feeling comfortable when using micromobility due to the inadequate infrastructure for these modes of travel. Yet, e-micromobility does allow faster personal mobility compared to walking, which is an attractive option at night when women are fearful of using other public travel modes or walking. This project investigated the gender factors in the use and uptake of e-micromobility, focusing on e-scooters and e-bikes. It is the first to apply a sociotechnical systems framework to this area to review the wider systemic factors influencing the use of e-micromobility and how to ensure their use is gender-equitable. The project presents a set of gender-equitable recommendations to close the gender gap in micromobility.


Lead researcher

Dr Katie Plant

Associate Professor
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Other researchers

Dr Katie Parnell BSc, EngD, C.ErgHF

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Human Factors Engineering
  • Road safety 
  • Aviation decision making
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