Research project

Finding Queer TikTok: LGBTQ Youth, Knowledge And Online Space

  • Lead researchers:
  • Research funder:
    British Academy
  • Status:
    Not active

Project overview

’Finding Queer TikTok’ is a project about LGBTQ+ youth, knowledge, and online space. TikTok’s structure obscures the individual user experience and interaction with the platform. Queer youth are at increased risk of social isolation, abuse, and harassment online. But, with high levels of digital literacy, they also have the skills to access community support and knowledge. Using an innovative creative methodology, mirroring the collaborative and iterative nature of TikTok, participants will create TikTok-style videos about queer life and knowledge. ‘Finding Queer TikTok’ will provide insight into what type of information is valued, shared, or lacking, what tensions or stresses there are in being queer and young online. This knowledge will be used to inform the support services and community facilitation offered by named project partners to better serve queer youth.


Lead researchers

Dr Lizzie Reed BA (hons), MA, FHEA, PhD

Associate Professor
Research interests
  • Queer theory and methodologies
  • Queer lives and intimate relationships
  • LGBTQ community, identity and culture
Connect with Lizzie

Research outputs

Lizzie Reed & Robin Skyer, 2024
Type: report