Research project

IODP Expedition 319 Nankai subduction drilling

Project overview

This project supported Lisa McNeill as one of the 6 Co-Chief Scientists running the drilling expedition on the Nankai subduction zone. This was part of a larger project, Nantroseize, to drill, sample and monitor the subduction zone to assess its hazard potential and how faults generate earthquakes and tsunamis. The expedition was the first to use riser drilling in scientific ocean drilling.


Lead researchers

Professor Lisa Mcneill

Professor of Tectonics
Research interests
  • Active tectonics
  • Geohazards
  • Marine geophysics
Connect with Lisa

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Weiren Lin, Timothy B. Byrne, Masataka Kinoshita, Lisa C. McNeill, Chandong Chang, Jonathan C. Lewis, Yuzuru Yamamoto, Demian M. Saffer, J. Casey Moore, Hung-Yu Wu, Takeshi Tsuji, Yasuhiro Yamada, Marianne Conin, Saneatsu Saito, Takatoshi Ito, Harold J. Tobin, Gaku Kimura, Kyuichi Kanagawa, Juichiro Ashi, Michael B. Underwood & Toshiya Kanamatsu, 2016, Tectonophysics, 692(Part B), 120-130
Type: article
D.M. Saffer, P.B. Flemings, D. Boutt, M.-L. Doan, T. Ito, L. McNeill, T. Byrne, M. Conin, W. Lin, Y. Kano, E. Araki, N. Eguchi & S. Toczko, 2013, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14(5), 1454-1470
Type: article
Takatoshi Ito, Akio Funato, Weiren Lin, Mai-Linh Doan, David F. Boutt, Yasuyuki Kano, Hisao Ito, Demian Saffer, Lisa C. McNeill, Timothy Byrne & Kyaw Thu Moe, 2013, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118(3), 1203-1215
Type: article
Nicholas W. Hayman, Timothy B. ByrneTimothy B., Lisa C. McNeill, Kyuichi Kanagawa, Toshiya Kanamatsu, Cassandra M Browne, Anja M. Schleicher & Gary J. Huftile, 2012, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 353-354, 163-172
Type: article
David F. Boutt, Demian Saffer, Mai-Linh Doan, Weiren Lin, Takatoshi Ito, Yasuyuki Kano, Peter Flemings, Lisa C. McNeill, Timothy Byrne, Nicholas W. Hayman & Kyaw Thu Moe, 2012, Geophysical Research Letters, 39(7), L07302
Type: article