Research project

Falkingham CPC ESRC - Review of longitudinal studies


Lead researchers

Professor Jane Falkingham

VP Engagement and International
Connect with Jane

Research outputs

Govert E. Bijwaard, Christian Schluter & Jackline Wahba, 2014, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(3), 483-494
Type: article
Govert Bijwaard & Jackline Wahba, 2014, Journal of Development Economics, 108, 54-68
Type: article
Jakub Bijak, Daniel Courgeau, Eric Silverman & Robert Franck, 2014, Demographic Research, 30(32), 911-924
Type: article
James Robards, Maria Evandrou, Jane Falkingham & Athina Vlachantoni, 2014, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 68(6), 524-529
Type: article