Research project

Embedding Healthcare Analytics

Project overview

The activities involved a visit to Mexico City for a week to have workshops with the local healthcare ecosystem (see section below) and academics from Tecnologico de Monterrey – Dirección Departamento Regional Ingeniería Industrial CDMX, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, as well as meetings with local stakeholders. The team travelling to Mexico was Edilson Arruda and Martin Kunc. All members of the team are fluent speakers in Spanish which facilitated the activities. In more detail,
• Dr. Lamas-Fernandez presented his research on transfer of care across the healthcare systems and routing and scheduling of health services, e.g. nurses, ambulances, blood collection.
• Dr. Arruda discussed the recent projects on hospital services modelling and optimisation, including operating theatres, accident and emergency departments, as well as personalised medicine models.
• Professor Kunc presented his work on healthcare workforce modelling and scenarios, as well as the role of behavioural science on the adoption of new technologies in healthcare.
The activities fostered knowledge exchange between the Centre for Health Care Analytics and local academics from the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey and their partners in the health service. We showcased the opportunities and benefits of healthcare analytics and discuss how these can be applied in their setting. We generated local leads for future projects with Mexican hospital together with our Mexican colleagues in healthcare analytics. In more detail, we
• Launched the practice of digital lean healthcare with focus on research and impact on local companies


Lead researchers

Professor Martin Kunc

Professor in Business Analytics
Research interests
  • Business Analytics
  • Strategic Modelling
  • Scenario planning
Connect with Martin

Research outputs