Research project

E Richardson - Physics-based predictive modeling for ultra-low-emission combustion technology


Lead researchers

Professor Edward Richardson

Research interests
  • Thermal energy systems for power and propulsion.
  • Turbulent combustion simulation, theory and modelling.
  • Dispersion and explosion of alternative fuels and other pollutant releases.
Connect with Edward

Research outputs

Dong-hyuk Shin, A J Aspden, Vlad Aparece-Scutariu & Edward Richardson, 2023, Physics of Fluids, 35(1)
Type: article
Andrea Gruber, Edward Richardson, Konduri Aditya & Jacqueline Chen, 2018, Physical Review Fluids, 3(11)
Type: article
Dong-hyuk Shin, Edward Richardson, Vlad Aparace-Scutariu, Yuki Minamoto & Jacqueline H. Chen, 2018, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37
Type: article
Dong-Hyuk Shin, Andrew Aspden & Edward Richardson, 2017, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 833, R1
Type: article
Dong-hyuk Shin, R.D. Sandberg & E.S. Richardson, 2017, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 823, 1-25
Type: article