Research project

Dr T Sanchez-Elsner Involvement of microRNA-155 in the development and progression of asthma


Lead researcher

Professor Tilman Sanchez-Elsner

Professor of Molecular Medicine
Connect with Tilman

Research outputs

Rocio T. Martinez-Nunez, Victor P. Bondanese, Fethi Louafi, Ana S. Francisco-Garcia, Hitasha Rupani, Nicole Bedke, Stephen Holgate, Peter H. Howarth, Donna E. Davies & Tilman Sanchez-Elsner, 2014, PLoS ONE, 9(10), e111659
Type: article
Fethi Louafi, Rocio T. Martinez-Nunez & Tilman Sanchez-Elsner, 2010, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(53), 41328-41336
Type: article