Research project

Dr H. Haitchi: ADAM33


Lead researchers

Professor Hans Michael Haitchi MD, MMed(INT), PhD, PD, MRCP(London), FHEA, PGcert

Research interests
  • Study of the asthma susceptibility gene A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease 33 (ADAM33) in early life and adult asthma and other chronic lung diseases.
  • Development of novel Anti-ADAM33 agents as potential disease modifying asthma therapy.
  • Multiomic study of the influence of the maternal environment (e.g. allergic asthma, obesity) during pregnancy on ADAM33 and other mediators and the early origin of lung disease in the Maternal Environment in Pregnancy (MEP) cohort.
Connect with Hans Michael

Other researchers

Professor Ivo Tews

Research interests
  • Natural products biosynthesis: a complex cascade of catalytic steps in vitamin B6 biosynthesis is characterised by structures or reaction intermediates in the large PLP syntase complexEdit
  • Bacterial biofilms: understanding of RedOx regulated phosphodiesterase activity in dispersal of biofilms to address chronic infections
  • Cancer immunology: together with Cancer Immunology at Southampton we use a structure based apporach in developing novel cancer therapie
Connect with Ivo

Research outputs