Research project

Dawson - EPSRC - Harnessing clay nanoparticles for stem-cell driven tissue regeneration


Lead researchers

Professor Jon Dawson

Prof Fellow of Regenerative Medicine
Connect with Jon

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Yanghee Kim, Jonathan Dawson, Richard Oreffo, Y. Tabata, Dhiraj Kumar, Conrado Aparicio & Isha Mutreja, 2022, Bioengineering, 9(7)
Type: review
Babatunde O. Okesola, Shilei Ni, Burak Derkus, Carles C. Galeano, Abshar Hasan, Yuanhao Wu, Jopeth Ramis, Lee Buttery, Jonathan I. Dawson, Matteo D'Este, Richard O.C. Oreffo, David Eglin, Hongchen Sun & Alvaro Mata, 2020, Advanced Functional Materials, 30(14), 1-13
Type: article