Research project

D Boche ART PhD Scholarship brain metaflammasome in neurodegeneration


Lead researchers

Professor Delphine Boche

Professor of Neuroimmunopathology
Research interests
  • Neuroimmunology and neurodegeneration
  • Immunophenotyping immune cells
  • Human brain pathology
Connect with Delphine

Research outputs

Mariko Taga, François Mouton-Liger, Malha Sadoune, Sarah Gourmaud, Jenny Norman, Marion Tible, Sylvie Thomasseau, Claire Paquet, James Nicoll, Delphine Boche & Jacques Hugon, 2018, PLoS ONE, 13(5)
Type: article
Mariko Taga, Thais Minett, John Classey, Fiona Matthews, Carol Brayne, Paul Ince, James Nicoll, Jacques Hugon & Delphine Boche, 2016, Brain Pathology, 27(3), 226-275
Type: article