Project overview
Initial extension controls later rift development and ultimately the structure of rifted margins. This project quantifies rift processes within the Gulf of Corinth, a rare example of rifting at its earliest stage, by comprehensive integration of marine geophysical datasets collected by multiple groups since 1995 to generate a framework of stratigraphy and fault networks offshore. This allows investigatation of very early rift evolution at a range of scales by generating a high resolution analysis and new chronological model of the syn-rift stratigraphy within the active rift and a detailed rift fault network, including details of fault activity (hence hazard potential), growth and interaction. Together these components will be used to develop a detailed history of rift evolution in space and time at a resolution not generated before within a continental rift system. The project is linked to proposed scientific ocean drilling (IODP) in the Corinth Rift, Greece.
Lead researchers
Other researchers
Research outputs
Lisa C. McNeill, Donna J. Shillington, Gareth D.O. Carter, Jeremy D. Everest, Robert L. Gawthorpe, Clint Miller, Marcie P. Phillips, Richard E.Ll Collier, Aleksandra Cvetkoska, Gino De Gelder, Paula Diz, Mai Linh Doan, Mary Ford, Maria Geraga, Jack Gillespie, Romain Hemelsdaël, Emilio Herrero-Bervera, Mohammad Ismaiel, Liliane Janikian, Katerina Kouli, Erwan Le Ber, Shunli Li, Marco Maffione, Carol Mahoney, Malka L. Machlus, Georgios Michas, Casey W. Nixon, Sabire Asli Oflaz, Abah P. Omale, Kostas Panagiotopoulos, Sofia Pechlivanidou, Simone Sauer, Joana Seguin, Spyros Sergiou, Natalia V. Zakharova & Sophie Green,
2019, Scientific Reports, 9(1)
Type: article
Stephen E. Watkins, Alexander C. Whittaker, Rebecca E. Bell, Lisa C. Mcneill, Robert L. Gawthorpe, Sam A.s. Brooke & Casey W. Nixon,
2018, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 131(3-4), 372-388
DOI: 10.1130/B31953.1
Type: article
Casey Nixon, Lisa McNeill, Jonathan Bull, Rebecca Bell, Robert Gawthorpe, Timothy Henstock, Dimitris Christodoulou, Mary Ford, Brian Taylor, Dimitris Sakellariou, George Ferentinos, George Papatheodorou, Mike Leeder, Richard Collier, Andrew Goodliffe, Maria Sachpazi & Haralambos Kranis,
2016, Tectonics, 35(5), 1225-1248
DOI: 10.1002/2015TC004026
Type: article
Lisa C. McNeill, Dimitris Sakellariou & Casey W. Nixon,
2014, Eos Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95(20), 170
DOI: 10.1002/2014EO200009
Type: article