Research project

Computing Resources & Software support for the UKQCD Physics Programme


Lead researchers

Professor Alexander Belyaev

Professor of Physics

Research interests

  • Theory and phenomenology of elementary particle physics and cosmology beyond the standard model
  • Supersymmetry, extra-dimensions and technicolor and their Dark Matter cosmological connections
Connect with Alexander

Other researchers

Emeritus Professor Christopher Sachrajda FRS, FInstP, CPhys, PhD

Research interests

  • Developing Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the quantum field theory of the strong-nuclear force and implementing it studies of particle physics phenomenology. 
Connect with Christopher

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

P.A. Boyle, N.H. Christ, N. Garron, E.J. Goode, T. Janowski, C. Lehner, Q. Liu, A. T. Lytle, C.T. Sachrajda, A. Soni & D. Zhang, 2013, Physical Review Letters, 110(15), 152001-152006
Type: article
T. Blum, P. Boyle, N. Christ, N. Garron, E. Goode, T. Izubuchi, C. Jung, C. Kelly, C. Lehner, M. Lightman, Q. Liu, A. Lytle, R. Mawhinney, C. Sachrajda, A. Soni & C. Sturm, 2012, Physical Review Letters, 108(14), 141601-1-141601-5
Type: article
Y. Aoki, N. H. Christ, J. M. Flynn, T. Izubuchi, C. Lehner, M. Li, H. Peng, A. Soni, R. S. Van de Water & O. Witzel, 2012, Physical Review D, 86(11)
Type: article
T. Blum, P. Boyle, N. Christ, N. Garron, E. Goode, T. Izubuchi, C. Lehner, Q. Liu, R. Mawhinney, C. Sachrajda, A. Soni, C. Sturm, H. Yin & R. Zhou, 2011, Physical Review D, 84(11), 114503-1-114503-22
Type: article
Y. Aoki, R. Arthur, T. Blum, P. Boyle, D. Brömmel, N. Christ, C. Dawson, T. Izubuchi, C. Jung, C. Kelly, R. Kenway, M. Lightman, R. Mawhinney, Shigemi Ohta, C. Sachrajda, E. Scholz, A. Soni, C. Sturm, J. Wennekers & R. Zhou, 2011, Physical Review D, 84(1), 014503-1-014503-32
Type: article