Research project

*CLOSED* Ashot Minasyan First Grant Profinite Topology on non-positively curved groups


Lead researchers

Professor Ashot Minasyan

Research interests
  • Word Hyperbolic
  • Relatively Hyperbolic and Acylindrically Hyperbolic Groups
  • Small Cancellation Theory
Connect with Ashot

Research outputs

Yago Antolin Pichel, Ashot Minasyan & Alessandro Sisto, 2016, Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 10(4), 1149–1210
Type: article
Ashot Minasyan & Denis Osin, 2015, Mathematische Annalen, 362(3), 1055-1105
Type: article
Yago Antolin & Ashot Minasyan, 2015, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 704, 55-83
Type: article
Gilbert Levitt & Ashot Minasyan, 2014, Geometry & Topology, 18(5), 2985-3023
Type: article
Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace & Ashot Minasyan, 2014, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 57(2), 499-523
Type: article