Research project

A Russell - Catalysis Hub


Lead researchers

Professor Andrea Russell

Professor of Physical Electrochemistry

Research interests

  • Structure/property relationships in electrocatalysts
  • Development and application of syncrotron based spectroscopic techniques for operando characterisation of electrocatalysts, electrode structures, and electrochemical interfaces
  • Development and application of vibrational spectroscopies (IR and Raman) to study electrochemical interfaces and reactions
Connect with Andrea
Other researchers

Professor Robert Raja

Prof of Materials Chemistry & Catalysis

Research interests

  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Sustainable Chemistry
  • Carbon Capture Storage and Utilisation
Connect with Robert

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Hamza Annath, Jinesh C. Manayil, Jillian Thompson, Andrew C. Marr & Robert Raja, 2021, Applied Catalysis A: General, 627
Type: article
Veronica Celorrio, Andrew Stephen Leach, Haoliang Huang, Shusaku Hayama, Adam Freeman, David W Inwood, D.J. Fermin & Andrea E. Russell, 2021, ACS Catalysis, 11, 6431-6439
Type: article
Haoliang Huang, Abu Bakr Ahmed Amine Nassr, Veronica Celorrio, Diego Gianolio, Christopher Hardacre, Dan J. L. Brett & Andrea E. Russell, 2021, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021(23), 11738 - 11745
Type: article
V. Celorrio, D. Tiwari, L. Calvillo, A. Leach, H. Huang, G. Granozzi, J. A. Alonso, A. Aguadero, R. M. Pinacca, A. E. Russell & D. J. Fermin, 2021, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 4(1), 176-185
Type: article
Hamza Annath, Stephanie Chapman, Gerald Donnelly, Patricia Catherine Marr, Andrew Craig Marr & Robert Raja, 2018, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Type: article