Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI)
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Mart L. Stein, Vincent Buskens, Peter G.M. Van Der Heijden, Jim E. Van Steenbergen, Albert Wong, Martin C.J. Bootsma, Mirjam E.E. Kretzschmar & Eric H.Y. Lau,
2018, PLoS ONE, 13(11), 1-19
Type: article
Nathan Brendish, Ahalya K Malachira, Kate Beard, Sean Ewings & Tristan Clark,
2018, The European respiratory journal, 52(2)
Type: letterEditorial
Daniel Heck, Antony Overstall, Quentin Gronau & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers,
2018, Statistics and Computing, 29(4), 631-643
Type: article
Yves Berger,
2018, The Survey Statistician(78), 22-31
Type: article
Yvonne van Nes, Jos Bloemers, Rob Kessels, Peter G.M. Van Der Heijden, Kim van Rooij, Jeroen Gerritsen, Leonard deRogatis & Adriaan Tuiten,
2018, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15(5), 722-731
Type: article